

A decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record in such way that any involved record cannot be altered retroactively, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks

Homomorphic encryption

A form of encryption that allows you to perform certain mathematical actions with encrypted text and get an encrypted result that corresponds to the result of operations performed with open text

Cryptographic data integrity protection

A security mechanism through data encryption for secure storage and protection of information from unwanted users.


The way of getting an agreed result by a group of participants


Main network, where the main functions are performed in the form of transaction receipt and transfer, release and storage of tokens


Network blockchain node, processing transactions, forming blocks and implementing the consensus algorithm

Private key

A string combination of characters for signing transactions and accessing tokens, stored privately. The private key is inextricably linked to the public key

Public key

String combination of characters, inextricably linked to the private key. The public key is attached to transactions to confirm the correctness of the user’s signature made on the private key


The main system node containing the Node, DecryptService, CryptoProvider, Backend + Database, API

Smart contract

Computer algorithm designed to form, control and provide information about the agreement between the participants


Transmission of «facts» produced by members in the network to initiate any action


A blockchain participant who send transactions to the net for getting approve


A unique configuration of the symbols (letters and digits), it is a result of the hash function performing over the data according with the specified algorithm. Hash uniquely identifies the object

DKG (Distributed Key Generation)

A cryptographic process in which multiple parties participate in the calculation of a common set of public and private keys

MPC protocol (Multi-Party Computation)

A cryptographic protocol that allows multiple participants to perform a calculation based on every participant’s secret input data so that no participant can get any information about someone else’s secret input data

Zero-Knowledge Range Proofs

An interactive cryptographic protocol that allows one of the interacting parties (“The verifier”) to verify the validity of any statement (usually mathematical) without any other information from the other party (“The prover”)