Frequetly Asked Questions

What is WE.Vote?

It is a blockchain-based platform that allows to organize and conduct proxy voting for any organization with a collective decision-making mechanism.

What differences exist between a blockchain-based voting and traditional voting methods?

  • Decentralization of the voting procedure. This means that all voting actions are stored simultaneously on the computers of all participants. In order to disrupt the voting or tamper with the results, all the computers involved in the voting must be hacked.

  • Voting transparency. Distributed consensus allows to provide a single version of voting results agreed by all participants.

  • Confidentiality of voting results. Application of cryptographic algorithms for encryption of results allows to exclude fraud with voting results.

Is voting anonymous?

Yes. Moreover, you can customize the visibility of participants during the poll creation process. Depending on the settings you choose, participants may or may not see each other’s email addresses.

How is a blockchain-based voting arranged?

In general, blockchain voting is similar to conventional voting: the same concepts, approaches and processes apply. When you create a vote, you operate on commonly known parameters, and when you participate in a vote, you simply answer the questions on the agenda in the client application.

The difference lies in the format of working with the data: all voting data is not stored centrally on any server, but is decentralized to the computers of voting participants. Along with the use of cryptographic algorithms, this makes voting as transparent and secure as possible.

How is the voting procedure performed?

The voting procedure consists of three stages:

1. Creation of a voting:

  • The administrator determines the agenda and voting parameters;

  • The system generates a MainPublicKey for voting.

2. Performing of a voting:

  • The participant answers the questions on the agenda;

  • The participant answers the questions on the agenda;

3. Summing up the voting results:

  • The system encrypts the participant’s ballot.The system summarizes the voting results by summing up the encrypted answers in each participant’s ballot;

  • The system decodes the results and displays them for you to see.

Can a user change answers during voting?

Yes. You can change your answer choices as many times as you like before voting ends. The system will accept the last option on your ballot for processing.

When will results be available?

As a rule, the results are available 5-10 minutes after the end of voting: about how long it takes the WE.Vote system to calculate and decrypt the results.

Are voting results encrypted?

Yes. The system encrypts both your ballot and the results of your vote.

Can a voting itself be changed after its start?

No. Once a vote is started, no one can make any changes to its parameters or agenda. As a participant, you can only change the answer choices you have chosen for the agenda.

Can voting results be faked?

It is practically impossible. Information about voting parameters and results is transmitted, stored and processed only in encrypted form. Blockchain technology is used both to store data and to control its integrity during transmission by means of hash sums. To tamper with or alter the results of a blockchain vote, at least 51% of participants’ computers would have to be hacked and the data tampered with during the voting process itself. However, it would be impossible to decrypt the results: the compromised data would not pass integrity checks.